I was checking my favorite blogs the other day and found out that Brandin (co-owner of Webster's Pages) has never scrapped before!!! I don't believe it!!!!! She makes all these beautiful and gorgeous products!!!!! How come she never scrapped before!!!??? Okay, well she's doing these assignments given from the DT members every week and she has to accomplish them:) I saw her first page that was posted recently and it was BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! And her words really touched my heart... (I pasted it below) If you haven't seen it yet, you should check it out!!! There will be a random winner every week if you comment on her pages:D HERE When I read about all this, it reminded me of my first page. It's kind of embarrassing but I'll show you! hehe
先日ブログ巡りをしてたところ、Webster's Pagesのブログを読んで知りました。なんとあのWebster's PagesのオーナーであるBrandinが今までSBしたことがない!!!???あんなに綺麗な商品をデザインしてるのにSBしたことないとは、本当にびっくり仰天でした!!!彼女は今毎週DTから出されたお題に添ってLOを作っていきます。そして、先日最初のLOをアップしてました^^とっても綺麗でしたよ!!!初めての作品とは思えないくらい。彼女の言葉にもすごく感動しました。そして、自分が作った最初の作品のことを思い出させてくれました。せっかくなので、Brandinの言葉を簡単に翻訳しますね^^
Here's what Brandin wrote at WP's blog. Isn't this sweet? :D
i am interested in the story 私はそのストーリーに興味がある
i want to capture the wild child that my daughter is 私の娘のやんちゃな姿を映したい
i want to capture the personality in her eyes 彼女の瞳の中に映された個性を映したい
i want her to read about it one day そして、いつか彼女が読んで
and laugh just like I did 笑ってほしい。私がそうしてきたように.......。
i am interested in the feelings 私はその気持ちに興味がある
i want to capture the love that I have for my husband 私は夫に対しての愛を映したい
i want him to see 50 years from now how young we looked "back then" 今から50年経って若かった私たちの思い出を見てほしい
funny thing is おかしいのは....
i'm not interested in creating art when scrapbooking スクラップブッキングするときにそのアートには興味がない
i want the products i choose to do that for me 商品がそう映してくれるから、それでいい。
i want to be free from perfection 完璧じゃなくてもいい
i want to lay scraps of inspiration down on a page インスピレーションをページにしたい
i want my journaling & photos to tell the story of our lives. 写真とジャーナルを通して、思い出を残していきたい
Our blessed beautiful lives... 私たちの美しい人生を......。
So here's my first page which was made not so long ago....
Made in March 2009. I made this at my friend's house and she gave me many advises on making this page:)
And here's my 3rd or 4th page.
I don't have a husband because I'm divorced, but I have my most beloved Nanami with me. And I wish to scrapbook our precious memories in the future too. And hope someday we can look back and laugh together....
What a wonderful photo!!!
Beautiful and inspiring words.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a great week, hugs
You and your daughter and your layouts are ALL gorgeous! :)
I loved Brandin's thoughts on scrapbooking as well, and couldn't believe she wasn't already a scrapper...thanks for sharing, Tomoko!
these first pages are so cool! I guess I can 'see' your style forming with the 2nd LO... the distressing edges... a bit of shabby chic
beautiful projects as always, welcome to the color room :)
Классное фото! Просто красотки - и мама, и доченька!
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