I just wanted to show you one of my samples I made with No Scrap, No Life!'s March monthly kit:) I made 3 samples, a 12inch layout and 2 mini books.
今回は3月の【No Scrap, No Life!】さんのマンスリーキットで作ったサンプルのひとつをお見せします☆今回はこちらのキットで3作品作りました^^
This is whats included to the kit. (with add-on)

And here's what I made:) An altered mini book, using this plastic container. There were peanuts inside which was bought at a vending machine.

A close up. I glued this wonderful embellishment from Pink Paislee to the cap, and painted with acrylic paint and decorated with pearls from Prima E-line.
クロースアップです。蓋にはPink Paisleeのエンベリを貼って、アクリル絵の具で塗り、Prima E-lineのパールを所々に貼りました^^

This is the mini book inside the container. Can you see this gorgeous charm? Love it!!!
I used Tim Holtz grungeboards to make this mini. Since I used a grungeboard that was thin and flexible(I think normally used for making embellishments) , I made it stronger by gluing Prima's packaging to the pages.
このミニブックはTim Holzのグランジボードで作りました。普段はエンベリ作りなどに使う薄いタイプなので、強化のためにPrimaのSay it in Pearlsが入っていた台紙を全ページに貼りました。

Inside pages:)

Inside pages:)
・Tim Holtzグランジボード
・Tim Holtz Film Strip
Well, that's all for today:)
I'll post my other samples soon!!! Thanks for dropping by!!
Wow, my friend...you amaze me everytime i drop by here !!! everything you do is beautiful. you're just so good with G45!! Awesome !!!luv,jaz
Oh my goodness, this is such an amazing mini album. I love this idea of a can for its case. Beauuuutiful!
Thanks Jaz!!
You always amaze me too!!! Definitely!!
Hi Holly,
Thanks for your comment!! Yeah, you should try!!! It was fun:) I want to make these again!!!
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